Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Devils and Angels...Which one's haunt you?

So i've totally convinced myself that there is some strange power(s) at work out to get me, wether it be for the good or bad of me. Already I feel weak everyday, drawing power out of my anger and hate, wishing I could be happier again. Memorial weekend from Thursday to Monday morning (memorial day) in Haskell, Oklahoma. I couldnt ever think I could love life like I did, those 5 days being there. I was in an open country, I was surrounded by nature and at night when I looked up at the stars, I could see forever, it seemed. The stars danced around my head and the milkly way seemed to just glow abright. It was truly a sign I believe and now comes the decision to either give up on my life I live now, and start a new or just keep hiding from the inner me. Staples has it easy with thier damn 'Easy Button' and a little recorded voice replies, 'That was easy!' well its not so easy you least not for someone who is scared as I am. Utah haunts me with devils and Oklahoma tempts me with Angels

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

These ideas are not normal...

So I totally am for Gay Rights!

I know I know call me crazy and all but seriously, even though it "not right" I dont care! People have thier decisions, they have thier choices, they have thier rights! Doesn't our Constintustion state that we have the rights to "Life...Liberty...and the Pursuit of happiness!" what if the pursuit of happiness for them is gay marriage, gay rights?!?!? I will not be one to say "I find fault with these actions!" I will be one to say that to God proudly when I die and say "Lord, you sent us to earth to learn from our mistakes, to make the right decisions, and to worship you in all manner, you taught us the most valuable lessons in life such as love, life, truth, and all other ideas you inspired to us. I know I lived a life where I took a lot of things into granted, and some took in thanking you for watching out for my soul, family, and everyone else. I just wanted to let you also know although I stood for what I believe was true, and if gay marriage was not an action to help support, then I will stand all fully accused of my actions and wait for judgement from you my lord." I Love the idea that happiness can live on in anyway possible, so why are we stopping the gays from living they're happy lives?